Sunrise over 't'capital' as my mate Rocket calls it, otherwise Burnley.
NOVEMBER MUST MEAN THAT IT'S PENDLE TIME AGAIN! In a stiff northerly wind I was hoping for the first Snow Buntings of the autumn but got something much better instead, well in Pendle terms anyway - a woodcock! Flushed from the rushy area by the lily pond on the summit near theDownham slope stile. Magic! It slipped over the edge and I couldn't relocate it but while I was zig-zagging across the rough grassland here a couple of skeins of Pink-footed Geese flew over (121 + 266 making 387 in total) and both heading northeast. An unusual movement for this time of year. Maybe birds held back in the easterlies reorientating? A raven flew over the Big End and there were a few Red Grouse on the summit today but nowt else. I was relieved that it was quite easy going up the landslide trail today despite this being my first hike up Pendle since July. I can't say I'd been looking forward to it. It was also good to see Martin Naylor and Steve Grimshaw up there, looking for Snow Buntings as well. Hopefully some will get found soon.