Hudsonian Godwit, Meare Heath, Somerset
IT IS 32 YEARS SINCE THE LAST TWITCHABLE HUDSONIAN GODWIT in the UK. Even though I had already seen lots of photos of it on the internet, I like witnessing events in our ornithological history like this. Rocket and I enjoyed a great day out from East Lancs to see this true MEGA rarity. When you look at their sparse and fragmented breeding range in Canada and Alaska it is surprising that they occur here at all but they are big wanderers and have made it to both New Zealand and South Africa as well! The jet black underwings meant that it did not pass in the crowd of Black-tailed Godwits in flight and we had plenty of nice views over around four hours, sometimes in pouring rain. My previous sighting in the UK was 32 years and 2 days ago, 11.690 days to be precise. A lot has happened in that time and I wonder how long it will be until the next one? I am thinking I might not be around to see it. We also saw several hobbies, a couple of Great Egrets, one Little Egret and a Cetti's Warbler plus lots more heard singing, along with the booming of a couple of bitterns and the Macc Lads on the way home. Another classic day out that we will remember for a long time!
Rocket heading back to the car before another heavy shower on a stormy day in May.