Jay collage from the benches by the school in Ribchester
I WAS LATE ON THE RIVERBANK TODAY after spending a couple of hours spotlighting with Alexander for Tim’s dog, which went missing last night. We checked the fields, ditches and riverbank but in the opposite direction to where she was eventually found, just before midnight near the Ribchester Arms, about 1km from where she disappeared. Well it was an interesting nocturnal walk, livened up by lots of rabbits, hares and a Tawny Owl. This morning a warm southerly wind was blowing across the valley bringing with it several Red Admiral butteflies that were wafted across the river like leaves. A jay was calling from the tree next to the school and eventually crossed the river in the other direction. I am seeing lots more jays than usual even accounting for autumn activity. A pair of sparrowhawks soared over the river, while small numbers of squeaking meadow pipits passed on their way south. A noisy kingfisher was also about in its usual spots around the island and a flock of seven lapwings flew west down the valley on a gorgeous sunny morning before it was time to go and look for a petrol station that actually still had some petrol and head off to Oldham climbing .