Pendle Hill summit looking northeast
A BEAUTIFUL DAY ON PENDLE was brightened up by a few interesting birds at the summit. A total of six ravens flew northeast over the big end, followed soon afterwards by a Peregrine and then on the descent a Merlin flew along the Pendleside slope mobbed by swallows. A couple of Common Kestrels were also around today as were at least six wheatears, four stonechats and more Meadow Pipits than I have seen for a while, the summit was lifting with them, maybe 100 or more. Red Grouse cackled from their heather area and a couple of Pied Wagtails were in the paddock at Pendleside Farm, with a flock of lapwings and starlings contained at least 70 of the former in the fields below the farm itself.
Fairy Ring Champignon (Marasmius oreades) – I think! Comments welcomed!