Eurasian Griffon Vulture, Val D'Aran, Catalonia
THE DICLOFENAC VULTURE ARMAGEDDON IS NOW ON SPAIN'S DOORSTEP and we should take time to appreciate its vultures as many of them may not be around for much longer. BirdLife International lists Eurasian Griffon Vulture as being of least concern, however, this could change very quickly if we see the same ultra rapid decline in vulture populations that there was in India from the late 1990s onwards. Egyptian Vulture is already listed as endangered, Cinereous Vulture near threatened and both feed on cattle carcases, as do griffons, and the future looks pretty bleak for them all if Spain's farmers start using diclofenac. I cannot imagine what possessed the morons who licensed this terrible drug for sale in the EU, maybe just plain ignorance perhaps? ...or something more sinister? It is such a depressing state of affairs. Money talks these days and it seems the wishes of conservationists count for nothing. So what can we do? We can at least enjoy watching the wonderful wildlife that is still around us while we can as the shadows of heartless and greedy developers and industrialists draw closer. This thought crossed my mind as I watched over 50 vultures at a feeding station in the Val D'Aran the other day.
Egyptian Vutlure, Val D'Aran, Catalonia